Friday, August 24, 2007

PUBB Letter to the Editor Following Beach Article


Dear Editor


I congratulate Douglas Hunter for his article on the diminishing access to the beaches of Tiny Township. 


We agree with Mr. Hunter regarding the need for the provincial government to protect the public’s right to use the shorelines of our province.  It is the role of the Attorney General to be the “guardian of the public interest” and it says so within the first few lines on the Ministry’s web site.  A local group known as Preserving the Use of Balm Beach (PUBB) has repeatedly asked his office to exercise its mandate but the only advice they give is to “get a lawyer”.  The public should not need a lawyer to defend its rights, that is the job of the Attorney General.


Although we appreciate their efforts in trying to engage the Attorney General, the municipality can do more.  Tiny Township council has the power to prevent fences from being built on the beaches. 


This was a major topic at a public meeting held on August 11 and a deputation to council by PUBB on August 13.  In its deputation, PUBB listed six reasons why a there should be a bylaw that prevents fences from being built on the beach, not the least of which is to conform with the intent, purpose and specific provisions of the Official Plan.


We hope that council will fulfill their part in keeping our beaches barrier free.


andy said...

It has been over 1 year now and the community has seen little action from Pubb, they have a lawyer and still not action.

The group has been trying to get council to move on the issue but history shows that tiny township councils are useless with respect to such issues.

andy said...

It is time that the community takes control of the issue and goes to court to have the fence removed.

Everyone has tried to nice about this but when you are dealing with a bully, nice doesn't work

nofence said...

My son & I have been going to BALM BEACH for 8 years now!!! Personally my son or I have never seen such a disgusting eyesore on a beach! I also think it is about time that the council of Tiny/Tay Township take action.Not only is the fence an eyesore, personaly it is disgusting that any child/adult can not enjoy the beach the way they should!It is pretty sad that the poles, which are almost in the water have greese on them & a dog of the fence owners think that it owns the beach too!!!!!!!!