Monday, July 28, 2008

Balm Beach Fence Upate

Last week there were two more incidents related to the fence.


On Wednesday night, someone set fire to the fence.  There was some minor damage and charring.  Fortunately, no one was hurt but if the fire had become out of control, much greater harm could have been done.  PUBB continues to speak out against this type of action.  We believe that there is a proper and legal way to deal with the matter and we urge people to support us in that action.  Below is an excerpt from a press release issued by the local detachment of the OPP.  PUBB supports the police in their efforts to bring back order to the community.


“Inspector Rick Philbin, Commander, Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) wishes to advise the public that there is zero tolerance when it comes to committing criminal acts in his detachment area.


Recent events in Tiny Township involving land disputes have escalated to reports of damage to property and, most recently, arson.   The level of risk to human safety is increasing to both residents, the community and to emergency responders.  The actions of the very people who are participating in this criminal activity are tarnishing the reputation of the respectable people of our community.


I would like to send a strong message to those in our community who may think this type of behaviour is permissible, it is not and it will not be tolerated!    The actions of these hooligans, who must feel they are making a statement, are nothing more then cowards who are lurking around at night, causing damage and putting peoples lives in jeopardy.  They are also putting the property and livelihood of other business owners in the area at risk. The deliberate setting of last night’s fire, in such a windy area, could have had catastrophic implications.  This civil unrest must stop!  Those who feel so strongly about this private property/access issue should take the debate into the legal arena.  For those who believe that they have claim of some sort to any property must make their claim legal and official. There is a process that can be taken, my advice is to get a legal opinion.


Our officers will work vehemently to find those responsible for committing these crimes and ensure they are brought before the courts to answer to the charges.”



On Thursday afternoon a teenage boy was attacked while walking in front of the fenced property.  The fence owner and his son have been charged with assault.




Whitby Politics said...

Here's an idea that you should all truly think will probably add fuel to the fire but why not limit access to the water for the Marions...

Have many beach goers bring chairs for a legal sit in at the waters edge...getting as close to the fence as possible. Action is the only way to be heard on this nonsense. I still have family up north and still have access to the beaches (all beaches as far as I am concerned).

Pick a weekend to do this sit in...I would say this coming long weekend would be the best time to pull this off....bring your chairs to the waters edge and restrict access for as long as you the media and show that you can have a non violent demonstration that opposes restriction to beach access.

Concerned beach go'er (S.T.) you know who I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Scott,

Go fuck yourself. Come within 5 feet of my fence and see what happens to you.