On Sunday, June 29, a person with a chain saw destroyed at least two sections of the fence. We do not have full details of the incident but it was reported by A channel news and was the subject of a short segment on Toronto radio station CFRB.
Following the incident, PUBB has issued the following statement:
PUBB is very sorry to learn of the physical action taken against the fence on the south side of Balm Beach and wishes to make it clear that this action was not supported in any way by PUBB. Doug Lorriman, PUBB spokesperson, said “although our objective is to see the fence removed, we have promoted from the beginning that this be done through legal means. We do not condone destruction or violence. We do not feel that the action taken yesterday helps our cause or Balm Beach. It does, however, underscore the frustration that many people feel from the lack of political leadership on this matter.”
Well frankly, the witch and the warlock has it coming. the audacity to have rules changed to secure beach land for themselves is disgusting
Such a fascinating issue.
The property owners simply want to be left alone, not responsible for garbage left by people tracking across the beach nor interested in listening to people yelling at each other over the noise of the bar music.
My Uncle Stan had a beachfront cottage on the Ontario shore of the Ottawa river. In the 1970s, the Quebecers would cross the river by boat and picnic on his beach. They would leave garbage which he had to clean up. They would defecate and urinate in the bushes separating the sand from his lawn. After a few years he solved the problem by planting poison ivy in the bushes LOL.
I have been enjoying Balm Beach for 30 years. We have fond memories of the family walking down to the beach from the cottage and after sun and swim we would walk across the beach to the store for ice-cream. Now with the fence up this is no longer possible. While I understand the owner's wish to be left alone, I do not understand if he wants peace & quiet, why did he choose to purchase a cottage in the middle of the busiest possible beach of possibly all of Ontario. He purchased property on a VERY PUBLIC and BUSY beach which has been used this way for many decades prior to his purchase. Why did he not purchase in a quieter area maybe down one of those private roads? Now all of a sudden he decides that he is going to take away what MANY people have enjoyed for a LOT LONGER than he has been here. By putting up such a divisive fence and all the threatening signs and video cameras around him, he is purposefully and willfully instigating the community on a continuous basis. I do not agree to any violence against anyone, but the owners are "kicking the dog" repeatedly and the dog will eventually naturally bite back. They must realize that ALL the reaction they are getting THEY have created 100%. Within the next couple of years we plan on purchasing another property nearby but Balm Beach is not going to be one of the places we will consider.
Since this fence has been erected I have only come down to the beach for a swim maybe only once or twice. I used to enjoy looking at the natural beautiful landscape of the beach and now all I see is a very ugly fence that does NOT belong on a beautiful beach. Now I just stay at the cottage. I feel unimportant and unwanted at this beach....
I have seen the fence. It is ugly.
I disagree with fences on beaches, but I agree with the right of the homeowner to put up the fence.
And I would recommend people respect his fence. Because in my work I have seen what people can legally do to create havoc when they are not allowed their peace. For instance, how would Balm Beach users if this homeowner started dumping cut glass onto his beach. Or was to replace his wood fence with a barb wire fence. I hope the beach users understand that he is allowed to do that. Or to leave hyperdermic needles on the beach?
Some people may think this homeowner has gone to far. They may not realize that what he is able to do is far, far worse than what he has done so far.
In response to Hazen's blogs...I have read your comments and your profile and you seem to be a well educated, well traveled individual, however, I disagree with some of the statements you've made.
First of all, your comment about "... people yelling at each other over the noise of the ‘bar music’. This is not a 'Bar', it's a small family restaurant. It mainly caters to families and seniors and is the only business other than Bingham's Variety that remains open all year for the benefit of the permanent residents. This family had a long running feud with the previous owners, who eventually had enough and sold the business and they've continued their feud with the new owners. The present owners constructed a small outdoor patio so that people could enjoy the view and fresh air on warm sunny days. The ‘bar music’ was originally one person singing and playing a guitar a few nights a week. If you want to talk about disturbing the peace, I've walked past this family’s property on several occasions, on the road side, and listened to them yelling at each other in their driveway. I could still hear them when I was seven cottages/houses away! It's no wonder that people who live within shouting distance of them are trying to sell their homes and cottages! These people complain about everything and anything! I live at the beach but, thankfully, don't live close enough to have to endure the almost daily police presence from the altercations that result when they provoke and harass people who are trying to enjoy the beach. These people are their own worst enemy!
In response to the comments you made in your second blog:
"...how would Balm Beach users if this homeowner started dumping cut glass onto his beach. Or was to replace his wood fence with a barb wire fence. I hope the beach users understand that he is allowed to do that. Or to leave hyperdermic needles on the beach?"
I'm not sure what Law you're quoting, but from what I've read on the Tiny Township website, barbed wire fences are not permitted and as far as scattering broken glass or hypodermic needles on his property, regardless of whether his property is fenced or not, anyone who is injured due to the negligence of the property owner, whether it's intentional or not, has cause to take legal action against that property owner (so they better have lots of liability insurance)! Don't forget, in most towns and cities where people have sidewalks in front of their homes, they are responsible for making sure that they are shoveled and ice free. Even though they are considered city property, the homeowner is liable if someone falls and hurts themselves!
I'm tired of hearing the same, lame response from our elected council; "There is nothing we can do", "…the answers are not simple". That’s a cop-out and it’s certainly not the song they were singing during their election campaign! Ignore the fence for a moment and address the issue of the boat ramp they've placed immediately in front of the fence. This clearly extends into the water beyond their property/fence line and it’s my understanding that the water is, ‘public property’! People already have to remove their shoes or sandals because they're forced to walk in the water, do they have to remove their pants too? If council is serious about "...the safety of the people", then do something about this (greased) boat ramp that's on 'public property'! One senior has already been injured when they slipped and tried to grab onto the ramp for support – not much help when it’s coated in grease! These people are not the innocent victims they portray themselves to be! Try living in this small community and witness first-hand the behaviour of this family. There is no limit to what these people will do to provoke and antagonize people who simply want to enjoy a day at the beach. The police are called almost on a daily basis, by the homeowner. Who in their right mind would call the police because a mother and her small child, armed with a plastic pail and shovel were digging holes in the sand?! The woman who was injured during the chain saw incident is no stranger to confrontation and drama. A few years ago she threw herself in front of a grader that was trying to level and smooth out the sand along the shoreline, something that's been done for years! Why didn’t she stay in her home and wait for the Police to arrive instead of running out alone to confront an angry mob? Is that fence worth more than her life?
Anyone who has the nerve to criticize the Police for not arriving in time to catch and arrest the person wielding the chain saw obviously has no idea how many times this family has, “cried wolf”! I don’t think one week has gone by in the past two years when Police cars, sometimes two or three of them, haven’t been parked in front of their home or parked at the beach investigating an incident on the water side of their property. Not only are they guilty of wasting the precious time and resources of our local law enforcement with their petty disputes, the majority of which they create, one of their family members had the nerve to call the fire department and report an, out-of-control fire, on their neighbour’s property. This was a small, controlled bonfire on private property with a legal fire permit. Don’t think for one minute that the fire department was called out of concern for their neighbours, this was malicious mischief! Not surprisingly, this neighbour has had a, “For Sale” sign on their property for over a year now!
Members of the local community have been trying for the past few years to legally restore public access to the shoreline. We don’t want to sit in front their home, we just want to walk along the beach. However, it’s interesting to note that, while local residents are involved in fund raising activities or attending community meetings to find a peaceful, non-violent resolution to this problem, property damage and vandalism seems to peak during the time their properties are left unattended!
Feel free to post your opinions, but know the facts before you judge the citizens of this community, many of who are second and third generation and who, until a few years ago, were able to walk freely along the shorelines without being verbally abused and harassed!
It's about time!!
Balm(beach bum)
You are so on the mark!
These people are their own worst enemies. I don't think I've ever once seen anyone of the Marions in the water, let alone in a bathing suit other than the son and most times he's out threatening people at the water's edge.
The Marions used to be good friends with many they are now enemies with. They used to dine together and hang out together. What happened? Did greed and ignorance rear it's ugly head and take over?
A recent police report stated that Elisabeth Marion was charged with Mischief under $5,000.00. Allegedly Miss Elly decided to rearrange someone's yard.
Yes, Vandalism should not be tolerated!
Hey Hawkeye - thanks for your support! I enjoyed your interpretation of the Toronto Star article! I’ve heard rumours that Miss Elly had been charged with vandalism/mischief for damaging someone's property but was never able to find any mention of it in the local papers until it was published today in the Star. I don't want to chance being involved in a slander lawsuit launched by the Morons, oops, I mean Marion’s, (my spelling is atrocious), without the facts!
It's about time that evil woman was caught! Every time I see her riding around the neighbourhood on her bike I immediately get a vision of the evil neighbour in the ‘Wizard of OZ’ whose bike turns into a broomstick when she gets caught in the Tornado, you know...the WITCH! LOL...
I would recommend that all parties hire a mediator.
In response to balm beach bum, it is true that one cannot intentionaly harm trespassers and can face civil lawsuits if they intentionaly harm people. Except where they, or the police, have issued a warning to the trespassers. Section 7 of the Canadian Charter covers the issue.
I actually think the property owners are over-reacting.
However, I have seen some disturbing things that property owners have done to protect themselves, and these owners won in court. One example was a fellow who got tired of snowmobilers crossing his property, despite "No Trespassing" signs and tickets written by police. One summer, he dropped concrete pillars into the the soil below the snowmobile trail with about 2 feet above the ground. Next winter, someone died when their snowmobile disentegrated upon hitting a pillar. The property owner had no charges laid against him.
This property owner must have had a really good lawyer, someone who was able to convince the judge that the concrete pillars were not placed intentionally to cause injury or death. I think it’s pretty obvious what his intentions were! When he placed these obstructions on the snowmobile trail, in the summer, he knew that they would not be visible in the winter when they were covered by snow. How sad that someone had to die and he was able to, “get away with murder”! Why didn't he just use a shotgun and shoot the trespassers, the result would have been the same!
Obviously, this decision should have been appealed and taken to another, Court/Judge that was competent enough to acknowledge that this property owner's actions were, basically, ‘premeditated Murder’, at the very least, ‘negligence' or ‘manslaughter’! I know that's a little extreme but, from a moral standpoint, he knew exactly what he was doing when he laid those slabs of concrete!
How sad your life must be when a piece of land becomes more valuable than a human life!
Balm Beach Bum,
I agree with you that a piece of property should not be valued more than human life.
In the case of the concrete pilings, the property was fenced (and the fence was torn down), signs were up, tickets had been issued by police previously, the property owner had written to the municipality stating he was putting in the pilings which they did not object to(I think he put in more than 2) and the snowmobilier was intoxicated.
Unfortunately people who are retired tend to have a lot of time on their hands to dream up these schemes and get approval. That is why it would be tragic to see this issue escalated.
Hazen, but what happens if ALL property owners start doing this?
The principal is you don't get to own beach front land. Otherwise I could go up to Sauble, buy up the beach and lock millions out while I sell million dollar summer homes.
What if everyone on that beach started building fences? Actaully the should, and play loud music for the dark lords to enjoy.
Ultimately, let time take care of this. They are old after all....mohaohahahah!
I would suggest escalating it, they seem to be itching for a fight, and well...why not give people what they wish. I've learned hot house orchids such as these two are the most delicious to dress down, corrupt and finally let destroy themselves.
The stress alone of the entire situation should hasten a "natural" conclusion. :)
gunning for trouble,
Don't count on their early demise, remember, "Only the good die young"!
Of course don't forget about their, 'evil seeds' (sons), who I'm sure will be there to carry on their, 'reign of terror' and God forbid, might even produce little, 'terror tots'!
On second thought, that probably won't happen because they'll spend most of their time in jail where they'll be someone else’s 'girlfriend'!
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