Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Information Meeting


(Preserving the Use of Balm Beach)


Is hosting an


Information Meeting

Regarding the

Balm Beach Fence


Date:             Saturday, June 21

Time:             10:00 am

Place:            The Place, 300 Balm Beach Rd. W.


PUBB will be providing a report on efforts to legally remove the fence from the beach and restore historic public access and use.  The meeting will:

Ø Review what has been done to date

Ø Present the current status

Ø Consider future actions.


Save your beach rights


1 comment:

Frances said...

Unfortunatly, I hadn't checked the PUBB web site in some time and was not aware of the public information meeting held on Saturday, June 21. I saw a news report about the meeting on TV this morning (June 23). I wish I had attended the meeting.

I was shocked when I arrived at Balm Beach this spring and saw the fence now extends all the way to the water's edge. Once again, I make the point that the water level constantly changes. How can a property owner claim his boundary extends to the water's edge? My boundary doen't change from year to year. I'm sure the Township officials would be knocking on my door, if I extended my boundary into the middle of the street and prevented traffic from passing. It's the same thing. A boundary is set and doesn't move from year to year.

The TV news report stressed that $60,000 is needed to fight the arrogant fence owner, however, it did not provide information on how to make a donation. I will continue to search the web site for information on donating.

Thank you PUBB for persevering and putting up a good fight.