Those who have not been up to Balm Beach yet this year will remember that the fence extended across about two thirds of the beach to the water and the remaining gap was filled with numerous pieces of furniture which impeded but did not totally block passage.
This year things have changed. In the fall the fence was extended by another four sections which significantly narrowed the distance to the water. This spring, the boat rack was relocated to fill the remaining gap to the water so now passage is virtually impossible without getting your feet wet. As this entry is being written, the wave wash is hitting the last post of the fence and the boat rack is completely awash.
This unfortunate development underscores the need to seek all legal remedies to have the fence removed and restore historical access and use of all the beach.
My Grandparents started coming to Balm Beach over sixty years ago, they winterized their cottage and retired here. I grew up here and some of my family still lives here. This used to be a great little community! Most of the permanent residents knew each other and, for the most part, lived in harmony together. We all shared one passion, 'THE BEACH', and we were proud to say that we lived here. We used to have street dances and corn roasts during the summer at the public beach where everyone came together and had fun, summer visitors and permanent residents alike!
For as long as I can remember I've been able to walk along the beach to the local stores, arcade and restaurant. Recently, on a warm sunny day, I decided to do just that. I was stunned to discover that a certain property owner, who claims that their property extends to the 'water's edge', has now, because of the high water level, blocked access completely! The small waves were pushing the water right to their fence and the boat ramp that they placed in front of the fence was submerged. The water was far too cold for me to take my shoes and socks off to walk around the boat ramp and I had to back-track to the nearest public access and take the road the rest of the way.
Despite the time, effort and expense of some hardworking local citizens who have made it their mission to address this issue and get the community involved, it appears that our local council members have been unable, or unwilling to take any form of action. At the very least, put a hold on this family's ongoing fence/property extension until some decision has been made. Unfortunately, it may be too little too late to do anything at this point, the damage has already been done. While the, 'powers that be', do nothing, this family continues to extend their own private little paradise, or hell, either way you look at it!
This family not only terrorizes the summer residents and day trippers, (children included), that come to enjoy our beautiful beach and clean, clear water, but the year round residents as well. They are verbally abusive and invasively photograph and videotape people enjoying the beach outside of their property/fence line. They frequently let their dog loose which, in addition to annoying people in general, also urinates in the water where young children are swimming. On three different occasions, during the winter months, I have walked past their property on the road side and have turned around to find their dog charging at me after someone has, (accidentally), opened the door and let it out. This family would be on the phone immediately to the police, bylaw or both if this was someone else's dog. I've never had any confrontations with these people, they don't know me and I'd like to keep it that way, but this is an example of the mentality we're dealing with. They intentionally push people to get a reaction and seem to enjoy and thrive on the conflict they create. They've gone far beyond protecting their property from people leaving litter on the beach in front of their home, which was the original reason they gave for constructing their fence, they themselves have single-handedly turned the beach into a junk yard! It’s an eyesore that affects the landscape and beauty of the entire beach.
These people are vindictive and instill fear in anyone who publicly speaks against them. It’s ironic that this family has surveillance cameras to protect their property while the rest of the community, the majority of which can’t afford that luxury, would certainly feel more secure knowing that their property was being monitored and possibly catch whoever is vandalizing their homes and vehicles while they sleep! Maybe then this community could reclaim the peace, contentment and pride we’re all entitled to and enjoy living at Balm Beach again!
My question is, how long is this crap going to continue? When is someone going to stand up and do something? It's pretty sad that people who live at the beach can no longer enjoy walking along it and are forced to take the road instead. Even that doesn't guarantee that you won't get involved with them in someway because you have to pass the front of their property on the road side.
I'm in no way educated to understand all the legalities of this situation but, has it ever been confirmed that this family has established, "Absolute Title", to their claim that they own to the 'water's edge' and if so, what happens when their fence and the junk they put in front of it goes beyond the 'water's edge’, preventing anyone walking along the beach simple access to the main beach area?
I feel sorry for the few business owners who have managed to survive and have continued to persevere for the past several years, specifically the ones that remain open all year as a convenience to the permanent residents. Let’s face it, as hard as we try to support them during the off-season, their real profit comes during the summer months. Not only does their livelihood depend on the weather and the economy, but now they’re faced with the negative publicity associated with Balm Beach. When a family comes to spend the day at the beach do they have to rent a boat to take their children and beach supplies to the other side of the fence or walk to the nearest public access and make several trips back and forth? Why can’t we share this beautiful resource and welcome visitors for a few months every year? Does the laughter of children and adults really bother anyone? Is it that disturbing to watch people who live in hot, crowded, cities enjoy a day at the beach?
It’s unbelievable that so many people have to suffer so much grief because of the selfishness of a few. We all pay our fair share to live here and have worked hard to keep it clean and beautiful so that future generations can enjoy it. Unfortunately, if this kind of behaviour continues, that will be impossible! It will be divided up and fenced off among a few greedy landowners and no-one will even want to live here let alone visit!
I’m just thankful that my Grandparents aren’t alive to see it happen!
Couldn’t have said it better “Beach Bum”
To my surprise this passed weekend I witness first hand “the fence” almost as grotesque as the home owner himself lurking behind it. The audacity of someone running a seven foot high privacy fence along their property line to keep out innocent beach walkers is a travesty.
My fiancée and I were to spend a couple hours walking the beach, we decided to leave, the solemn scene was very depressing.
I used to spend summers at Balm Beach with my grand parents, they would be horrified to this blight on Balm Beach. site contains pictures of the "fence” prior to it extending into the water.
I applaud the two previous posts.
I just experienced the homeowner peeking out his rear door, watching my daughter and her friend come home. This is a common occurance with these people. If people stop to talk to me, they're at their back door or conveniently pop out to be nosey.
About 10:30/11:00pm they go out for their nightly walk checking out the neighbourhood.
These people seem to be well versed in just how far they can go with the law especially with using what they feel is "reasonable force" to stop people from walking the beach in front of their home. I will not say "their" property.
Since Spring the count of police vehicles has been at a minimum 20, that's 2 per visit; sometimes 3. This is getting ridiculous. It doesn't look good for the other property owners along here.
It appears that their goal is to make the whole of Balm Beach private. They and the ones who have supported and possibly funded their cause.
Turning around and walking away is exactly what they want. We can't give into them.
Last weekend the son decided to wave at me as I was walking up the beach towards the Surf. How did he know it was me when I was atleast 4 houses away? Binoculars!!
It's nice to know they watch us so closely. The way I see it....if they want a fort...then stay within it....the public beach is none of their business!
Oh rumour has it they have some sort of enhancement along their fortress so they can listen in on what's being said.
I think we should sit near the fence and read Moby Dick....that should take awhile.
Keep enjoying the beach!!
Let's not continue to let this be the topic of conversations every time you come for a visit.
Would the saying,"If you ignore them, they'll go away" work in this case?
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