Thank you, PUBB, for taking action on this important issue. I won't be able to attend the meeting as I am in Pennsylvania right now. However, I wish to state that I strongly object to the erection of fences on the beach and think the bylaws should be amended to prohibit such activity.
I am from Woodlands beach. Recently we have been harrassed by one couple who own waterfront property on James Street. When my girlfriends and I went to put our towels and chairs down (near the water) a gentleman rushed over to us to tell us we are on private property. Where does he get off thinking he owns this???? I asked him to product the survey and he said he is not bringing it down. Anyway we were there to enjoy the day and he really put a damper on it will now pay more attention to what is happening... this really hit home. I understand that once upon a time property owners use to have water at their back doors... things change and now there are beautiful beaches and it is not their property. Yes they pay more $ in taxes then us behind them but it is because the value of their homes are worth more... due to the view... not because they own more (like the rude gentleman thought I would believe)
I wrote to council and did not get a reply. I spoke to another party and it was suggested I attend the August 11 meeting and am I glad we did.
After hearing everyones concern and learning about the fence in question we decided to visit Balm Beach on Saturday evening.. We could not believe our eyes when we saw the fence and how the owners are deliberetly blocking people from using the public beach!!!! After we went for dinner we decided to return for an ice cream cone and walk the beach... this was around 8:30. We found the owner putting away all of the lawn chairs and stuff he had to block the beach... and the beach part that he claims is his looks like Fort Knox!!! What an eye sore!!!He has motion lights and everything... also as we were walking past he was saying loud enough for us to hear... how he can not wait until Septmeber to put up the remainder of the fence!!!!! He seems pretty sure of this!!! These people are obseesed with this!!! I heard through the grapevine it is all about money for them... Apparently the person who told me said they stand to gain $400,000+ to have the beach made private!!! This is really what they are hoping for!! Also I heard some other distribing issues... about peoples property getting vandelized!! How long have these people had this property. If it is privacy they are looking for why would they ever buy property right beside a restraunt/arcade/street. It seems to me that they should have bought somewhere out on a deserted island. They seem very nasty!
I strongly object to any sort of fence on the beach ... and especially if they can not provide a survey saying the property is theirs. Betty
My husband and I have been vacationing at Balm Beach for over 25 years and were recently appalled by the actions we have observed and heard about on the part of the party trying to privatise part of the beach. How can such open harrasement by this person be legal?? I also would question the actions of the local police who so quickly come at his becking even for the ever dreaded offence of children playing in what he beleives is his beach! Several ladies told us how they were walking in a group one evening on the beach and the homeowner followed their movements with a large spotlight!! Later they were followed by one of the homeowners back to their cottage! We are told by the locals this is a common thing and to be very careful of who we speak to and not to leave anything unattended!! What is the township and local police doing about this intimidation and harrassement? I think local residents should get out their tax receipts and start to ask where their money is going cause it sure seems like Tiny is hiding their heads in the sand with this one.
This issue is going on way too long. I am afraid it is going to lead to violence eventually. Now the fence has been painted with obsenities and although I believe it was to make the Marions angry, now it is there for all the patrons of the restaurant to see, including children. Maybe a nice beach scene should be painted on the fence since it doesn't look like it's coming down too soon. My family has over 100 years of history in Balm Beach and for small minded, vindictive, nasty, people to block the beach to all because of a personal feud with a few locals is just wrong. What is it going to take for the law enforcement to take this seriously? People have had their properties vandalized, car tires slashed, cars spray painted....the list goes on. The fence issue is just part of this problem. Why does the law pander to these people? They call the law constantly for no reason! What is this? You can call the cops because someone asked you a question? And they not only respond, but they come to the 'offenders' cottage!!!! This is rediculous!!!
My family, along with my sister's family,spent a week long holiday at Balm Beach. This was the first time both my family and my sister's family visited Balm Beach. A couple of days into our holiday we experienced a bad incident on balm beach that turned our very needed vacation into an horrible and very stressfull vacation.
My husband had position himself on the shore beside the restaurant. As I walked towards my husband a woman came out telling my husband to move away for that was her property. We replyed that the water does'nt belong to her for we both were on the shore. I was under the understanding that lakes cannot be owned by individuals and my thought was confirmed by the private property signage this woman had all over the beach in front of her house, all private property signage was placed about 7 meters back from the shore with a fence stopping again about 7 meters back from the shore, which in my opinion stated where her property ended. In the near future I will post a video to show how the frontage of this house looked. This woman was very aggressive towards my husband and I, insisting that the shoreline belonged to her too. We refused to leave unless the police would ask us to leave for we did not believe that was her property. This woman went crazy and started coming very close to me asking me to hit her. She repeatadly asked me to hit her as she was standing very close to me holding a gadget and saying that she was taping me. A man came out of the house with a video recorder and was filming me from about two feet away and this man was telling me that he was filming me. The whole scene seemed surreal to me. This woman continued to come close to me telling me to hit her and that she was taping me, and when I say close I mean she was in my personal space. I kept telling this woman to step away from me but she would refuse to do so. She went as far as throwing my husband's shoes into the lake, wipping the chair my husband was sitting back towards her house and landed on the rocks she had place all straight in front of her house and then she even went as far as wripping a bag I was holding out of my hands and attempted to throw it away also. It is my strong believe that we were harrassed and assaulted on the beach that day right in front of the many people who watched the whole incident. If an incident like this had happened in the city where I live I strongly believe this woman would of been charged on the spot but no one was charged that day on Balm Beach. If it is true that the shore belongs to her why were my husband and I not charged with traspassing?
I am also strongly opposed to erection of fences on Balm Beach. Just think of the negative economic implications for the businesses that reside at Balm Beach if beach privatization is allowed. Rules should serve the vast majority not one maniacal resident.
Just like everyone else posting comments on this subject, I have loved Balm Beach for over 30 years. It is my favorite place on earth and one individual is ruining it for for me and all of the Balm beach residents and renters. If and when a vote is taken on this subject, I hope that the majority will rule with the destruction of the fence. I just built a brand new fire pit in which we can put that fence to good use. I strongly agree with Frances when she stated that the erection of fences should not be permitted and the township should create bylaws to prohibit such construction.
Thank you, PUBB, for taking action on this important issue. I won't be able to attend the meeting as I am in Pennsylvania right now. However, I wish to state that I strongly object to the erection of fences on the beach and think the bylaws should be amended to prohibit such activity.
I am from Woodlands beach. Recently we have been harrassed by one couple who own waterfront property on James Street. When my girlfriends and I went to put our towels and chairs down (near the water) a gentleman rushed over to us to tell us we are on private property. Where does he get off thinking he owns this???? I asked him to product the survey and he said he is not bringing it down. Anyway we were there to enjoy the day and he really put a damper on it will now pay more attention to what is happening... this really hit home. I understand that once upon a time property owners use to have water at their back doors... things change and now there are beautiful beaches and it is not their property. Yes they pay more $ in taxes then us behind them but it is because the value of their homes are worth more... due to the view... not because they own more (like the rude gentleman thought I would believe)
I wrote to council and did not get a reply. I spoke to another party and it was suggested I attend the August 11 meeting and am I glad we did.
After hearing everyones concern and learning about the fence in question we decided to visit Balm Beach on Saturday evening.. We could not believe our eyes when we saw the fence and how the owners are deliberetly blocking people from using the public beach!!!! After we went for dinner we decided to return for an ice cream cone and walk the beach... this was around 8:30. We found the owner putting away all of the lawn chairs and stuff he had to block the beach... and the beach part that he claims is his looks like Fort Knox!!! What an eye sore!!!He has motion lights and everything... also as we were walking past he was saying loud enough for us to hear... how he can not wait until Septmeber to put up the remainder of the fence!!!!! He seems pretty sure of this!!! These people are obseesed with this!!! I heard through the grapevine it is all about money for them... Apparently the person who told me said they stand to gain $400,000+ to have the beach made private!!! This is really what they are hoping for!! Also I heard some other distribing issues... about peoples property getting vandelized!! How long have these people had this property. If it is privacy they are looking for why would they ever buy property right beside a restraunt/arcade/street. It seems to me that they should have bought somewhere out on a deserted island. They seem very nasty!
I strongly object to any sort of fence on the beach ... and especially if they can not provide a survey saying the property is theirs.
My husband and I have been vacationing at Balm Beach for over 25 years and were recently appalled by the actions we have observed and heard about on the part of the party trying to privatise part of the beach. How can such open harrasement by this person be legal?? I also would question the actions of the local police who so quickly come at his becking even for the ever dreaded offence of children playing in what he beleives is his beach! Several ladies told us how they were walking in a group one evening on the beach and the homeowner followed their movements with a large spotlight!! Later they were followed by one of the homeowners back to their cottage! We are told by the locals this is a common thing and to be very careful of who we speak to and not to leave anything unattended!! What is the township and local police doing about this intimidation and harrassement? I think local residents should get out their tax receipts and start to ask where their money is going cause it sure seems like Tiny is hiding their heads in the sand with this one.
Betty you can refer to a letter sent to council by a woodland beach waterfront resident, I beleive his name is mario calluzo.
In the letter he called out the township to defend it's right of ownership of the woodland beach.
Remember the township owns all of woodland beach and nothing that these elitists say will change the facts.
The township sent a letter the woodland assosciation confirming that the township owns the beach and no further discussion was to made.
If you want to get more information from a good waterfront neighbour talk to this person he is by moore ave.
This issue is going on way too long. I am afraid it is going to lead to violence eventually. Now the fence has been painted with obsenities and although I believe it was to make the Marions angry, now it is there for all the patrons of the restaurant to see, including children. Maybe a nice beach scene should be painted on the fence since it doesn't look like it's coming down too soon.
My family has over 100 years of history in Balm Beach and for small minded, vindictive, nasty, people to block the beach to all because of a personal feud with a few locals is just wrong. What is it going to take for the law enforcement to take this seriously? People have had their properties vandalized, car tires slashed, cars spray painted....the list goes on. The fence issue is just part of this problem. Why does the law pander to these people? They call the law constantly for no reason! What is this? You can call the cops because someone asked you a question? And they not only respond, but they come to the 'offenders' cottage!!!! This is rediculous!!!
My family, along with my sister's family,spent a week long holiday at Balm Beach. This was the first time both my family and my sister's family visited Balm Beach.
A couple of days into our holiday we experienced a bad incident on balm beach that turned our very needed vacation into an horrible and very stressfull vacation.
My husband had position himself on the shore beside the restaurant. As I walked towards my husband a woman came out telling my husband to move away for that was her property. We replyed that the water does'nt belong to her for we both were on the shore. I was under the understanding that lakes cannot be owned by individuals and my thought was confirmed by the private property signage this woman had all over the beach in front of her house, all private property signage was placed about 7 meters back from the shore with a fence stopping again about 7 meters back from the shore, which in my opinion stated where her property ended. In the near future I will post a video to show how the frontage of this house looked.
This woman was very aggressive towards my husband and I, insisting that the shoreline belonged to her too. We refused to leave unless the police would ask us to leave for we did not believe that was her property.
This woman went crazy and started coming very close to me asking me to hit her. She repeatadly asked me to hit her as she was standing very close to me holding a gadget and saying that she was taping me.
A man came out of the house with a video recorder and was filming me from about two feet away and this man was telling me that he was filming me. The whole scene seemed surreal to me. This woman continued to come close to me telling me to hit her and that she was taping me, and when I say close I mean she was in my personal space. I kept telling this woman to step away from me but she would refuse to do so. She went as far as throwing my husband's shoes into the lake, wipping the chair my husband was sitting back towards her house and landed on the rocks she had place all straight in front of her house and then she even went as far as wripping a bag I was holding out of my hands and attempted to throw it away also. It is my strong believe that we were harrassed and assaulted on the beach that day right in front of the many people who watched the whole incident. If an incident like this had happened in the city where I live I strongly believe this woman would of been charged on the spot but no one was charged that day on Balm Beach. If it is true that the shore belongs to her why were my husband and I not charged with traspassing?
I am also strongly opposed to erection of fences on Balm Beach. Just think of the negative economic implications for the businesses that reside at Balm Beach if beach privatization is allowed. Rules should serve the vast majority not one maniacal resident.
Just like everyone else posting comments on this subject, I have loved Balm Beach for over 30 years. It is my favorite place on earth and one individual is ruining it for for me and all of the Balm beach residents and renters. If and when a vote is taken on this subject, I hope that the majority will rule with the destruction of the fence. I just built a brand new fire pit in which we can put that fence to good use. I strongly agree with Frances when she stated that the erection of fences should not be permitted and the township should create bylaws to prohibit such construction.
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