Friday, June 8, 2007

Beach Fencing Issue Sent into Coma by Council

On Monday May 28, the Tiny Township council addressed the issue of fencing resulting from the consultant's report presented earlier and the staff report that followed it.  The staff report contained a number of recommendations mostly dealing with some technical issues and only one dealing with restricting fences on the beaches.  The beach recommendation required further discussion by council in order to complete.
The following is a summary of the council deliberations:
The Mayor introduced a new beach definition but the lack of clarity concerned staff. - no further discussion
George Lawrence reiterated his points of the last meeting (fences prevent access of emergency and maintenance vehicles) but did not press them. - no further discussion
Andre Claire did not participate in the discussion of the beach.
Nigel Warren raised some issues contained in a submission from Mr. Musial which suggested that restricting fences on the beach would be contrary to the provincial Line Fences Act.  Staff pointed out the the act was not relevant in this matter.
George Cornell did not think there was a problem - no further discussion or challenge
Nigel Warren wanted any regulation universally applied throughout the township. - agreed by George Lawrence, no further discussion and no challenge regarding the unique nature of the beaches and the consultant's comments.
In the end, the rejection of the only staff recommendation that dealt with the beach made the whole issue just seem to die without notice; notwithstanding that it was the reason for discussing fences in the first place.
It truly seemed as though council was "afraid" to deal with the beaches even though all councillors, during the election, specifically said that they opposed fences on the beaches and/or wanted to wait for the consultant's report which was being prepared at the time.  The consultant's report ultimately said that there was merit in addressing the beach issue as a special circumstance as long as some of the technical challenges could be overcome. 
PUBB suggested a number of times that a committee be formed to address these issues.  This suggestion was again put in writing to council and attached to the staff report.  The suggestion was not addressed at the meeting. 
So what to do now.
We must make council aware that there really is a problem.  Everyone should write to council regarding their concerns.  This can be done by sending an email to
There will be a public meeting regarding the other proposed changes to the bylaw.  Everyone should attend this meeting to help ensure that "no fences on the beach" gets back on the agenda.
Further details will be posted on this site as they become available.


Beach~Bum said...

Well I think we need a better council who will take action. IF they were against this fence, they would of had much more to say about it at the meeting.
We need do-ers on our council.
...Maybe we should get different council members?...

Anonymous said...

first of all the man owns the beach he has the right to put up a fence HE OWNS IT and plus if somebody gets hurt they can sue him .... he has spoken with the head of bi-law (shawn crawford) was putting up a fence was the only way to avoide this. so stick to your charity bingos and sewing class' ...we ahve enough useless bi-laws.