On Sunday, June 29, a person with a chain saw destroyed at least two sections of the fence. We do not have full details of the incident but it was reported by A channel news and was the subject of a short segment on Toronto radio station CFRB.
Following the incident, PUBB has issued the following statement:
PUBB is very sorry to learn of the physical action taken against the fence on the south side of Balm Beach and wishes to make it clear that this action was not supported in any way by PUBB. Doug Lorriman, PUBB spokesperson, said “although our objective is to see the fence removed, we have promoted from the beginning that this be done through legal means. We do not condone destruction or violence. We do not feel that the action taken yesterday helps our cause or Balm Beach. It does, however, underscore the frustration that many people feel from the lack of political leadership on this matter.”